Tuesday, September 22, 2009

P:C - Planting Seeds in Swamp Water

The story that I think about is going to the “swamp.” We went the first day and spent out time mostly pulling plants out of the water. But the first day there were no gloves for us to use, so we got scratched up kind of badly. So the next time our group went back the workers decided to show us the castle there. As we worked that day I could see the wheels turning in the minds of the few men that worked there. Peter was the main one who worked with us. He gave several compliments on the diligence of our work. God worked through us and I believe began a work in Peter’s heart. They asked if our group could come back the next day because we worked so well, so we did and got more done than ever. We could just tell that they did not understand how we could wade though a swamp with scratched, leeches, scorpions, snakes, snails, and spiders with smiles on our faces. So they took us to another tower as a surprise. They finally decided to come to the tent on the last night. I pray a seed that was sown in this tent and that swamp will grow in their lives. Pray for Peter and those men.

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